Spring 2025 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - Swim Shop

As the mother of a competitive swimmer, I have learned the great
need for a swim shop in Lexington, KY, as currently there is not one in
existence.  Swimmers need a great deal of equipment that can quickly
deteriorate after many uses in the chlorinated water. Swimsuits are
incredibly challenging to fit a body, without having a shop to properly try
them on. Competitive and team suits tend to fit very differently than your
average swimsuit. Large retailers in Lexington do not carry swimsuits year
around and have her limited equipment options available to purchase. For many
years Lexington did support a swim shop, which closed several years ago. It
is my understanding this was a successful shop that closed due to personal
reasons, which has left a void in the swimming community, and I would very
much like to learn more about developing a business plan, with the long-term
goal of opening a swim shop in Lexington.

Email : casey.faulconer29@gmail.com


Spring 2025 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - Swim Shop

Project Owner

Casey Aycinena