Fall 2024 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - 1Pack

The company I have come up with is "1Pack", this company/product or line of products is a customizable backpack/travel packs. They will be offered in multiple styles like backpacks already come in but with our product you will be able to finally make your backpack feel tailored to you. When you go on our website you will be met with our home screen and an option to get started. You will answer a few brief questions and then our website will spit out a tailored solution with options such as embroidery. what makes our backpack and other items stand out is there are going to be inserts that you can zip or snap in so you can use one backpack for what ever you need it to. For example people that don't need pencil or pin slots shouldn't have to settle for a backpack with them where instead it could have a phone charger holder instead. You can buy extra inserts to swap out whenever you want to change it up or need a different insert for different needs. To start the interior colors of the back packs will be all one color but then we will offer different color options for the inserts. Something else that makes us different is once you get tired of that style of backpack you can keep your inserts, send your old one back to us and order a new one at a reduced cost. We will then recycle the materials and reuse them or make sure they are recycled in a proper way. Once the company gets off of its feet a little I would like to be able to expand it into duffle bags, suitcases and other "packs" to make everyday use or traveling more comfortable and convenient for people around the world.

Email: Lane.jones@hotmail.com

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Fall 2024 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - 1Pack

Project Owner

Lane Jones