Shane is a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Finance and Quantitative Methods. He is the founder of Float Money, a Lexington based company that is pioneering the interest-free line of credit as a safer borrowing alternative for consumers. Before turning his attention to consumer credit, Shane developed innovative financing solutions for banks, insurance companies and large corporations. His experience includes over ten years on Wall Street as a structured finance specialist, including seven years at Credit Suisse where he structured and executed over $20 billion of innovative financial transactions as a Director in the Global Structuring Group. Shane has advised banks on regulatory capital and risk transfer issues in roles with Promontory Financial Group, Auriemma Consulting Group, Bank Street Group, E&Y and PwC. Shane is a Chartered Financial Analyst and Member of the New York Bar. He received a JD/MBA from Georgetown University and a BA in Economics and International Studies from Miami University.

Float Money