GSE Summer Startup at The Gatton College of Business

July 2024 (Lexington, KY) - GSE Summer Startup Program concluded our 11th year, and what a terrific ride it’s been! This summer, we not only celebrated another fantastic season but also hit a major milestone—1,000 graduates! That’s right, with this summer’s amazing groups, our GSE Summer Startup family has grown to more than 1,000 innovative and resilient Es, and we couldn’t be more proud.

After the GSE Summer Startup hosted an exciting Demo Day at Thomas More University last week, the Es at the University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics prepared for their Demo Day with heightened enthusiasm and anticipation. From more than a thousand problems combined, down to 16 awesome solutions from the teams, the 79 Es at UK’s Gatton College outdid themselves! With cool team names, great pitches, and compelling testimonials, the event showcased their creative solutions to pressing problems.

Ready, Set, Innovate: Demo Day Highlights

The week before Demo Day at UK had our Es enjoying a perfect summer week that included fun activities. Alongside the fun, they dedicated most of their time to serious team collaboration and intense pitch practice. Engaging lessons and valuable visits with Guest Entrepreneurs helped them refine and perfect their ideas.

The Demo Day at the University of Kentucky was a culmination of days of hard work, creativity, and teamwork. Each of the 16 teams presented innovative solutions to problems they had identified at the beginning of the summer startup program. The atmosphere was charged as teams, took turns pitching to a panel of judges, their Instructional Coaches, and an enthusiastic audience.

The Pitches
Each team had a limited time to present their solutions, followed by a Q&A session with the judges. The pitches were a blend of passion and strategic thinking. The teams used a variety of presentation techniques, including slideshows, prototypes, demonstrations, and videos, to effectively communicate their ideas. Our teams wowed everyone with their creativity, dedication, and smarts. From tech marvels to sustainable solutions, each presentation was a testament to the hard work and passion our participants poured into their businesses. The judges, mentors, and the audience were so impressed. Some of the standout elements included solid research, narrative, and statistical evidence, including testimonials. Teams incorporated feedback from users and industry experts to validate their solutions.

The panel of judges, consisting of three experts with extensive experience as industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and academics, brought invaluable insights to the program. We are incredibly grateful to Hunter Porter, Hope Zoeller, and Warren Nash. Their feedback was highly valuable and constructive, asking the teams questions that provoked deeper thinking on how they could further refine and develop their solutions. The judges praised the teams for their ingenuity, teamwork, and impact of their businesses. The audience, composed of fellow Es, parents, and industry professionals, were highly engaged throughout the event.

The energy in the room was undeniable, with rousing applause and cheers for each team. Although only three teams were awarded first, second, and third place, every team left us inspired, and the judges had nothing but praise for their originality and impact. The drive to make a difference was evident in every presentation. As the Es move forward, they carry with them the lessons learned and the inspiration from a truly memorable Demo Day. The future looks bright for these up-and-coming innovators, and their journey is just beginning.


High-fives and Heartfelt Thanks to Our Awesome Community!
Let’s take a moment to give a HUGE shoutout and a million thanks to everyone who made this GSE Summer Startup program unforgettable.

To our Es: Congratulations! You’ve been absolutely amazing. Your passion, creativity, and hard work made this summer extraordinary. We can’t wait to see where your entrepreneurial journeys take you next.

To our Supporters and Campus Hosts: You rock! Thanks to you, our Es had all the resources they needed to turn their dreams into reality. We couldn't do it without you!

To our Guest Entrepreneurs: Your workshops and insights brought a real-world perspective to our participants. Your stories of triumph and lessons from challenges provided invaluable inspiration and guidance.

To our Judges: Your expertise and feedback were invaluable. Thank you for helping our Es polish their ideas and for being part of this exciting journey.

To our Directors and Team Members: You are the heartbeat of this program. With vision and passion, you ensure the program stays true to our mission of fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. From organizing every detail to providing endless support, your dedication keeps everything running smoothly.

To our Alumni Network: Your mentorship and continued involvement create a legacy of success and inspiration. Thank you for showing our Es what’s possible and for guiding them every step of the way.

Empower the Es
The GSE Summer Startup Program is not just about building businesses; it’s about transforming lives. Over the summer, our Es grew personally and professionally. They learned to think outside the box, solve problems creatively, and work together as a team. They discovered the power of perseverance and the importance of collaboration.

Best of all, it was completely free for every E, thanks to generous donations. The Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs is an independent nonprofit organization. Please visit our website by clicking the link below to donate to our Empower the Es fundraiser. Your contributions are an investment in  Kentucky’s growing entrepreneurial community.

We are pumped for what’s to come! The success of this year’s program fuels our commitment to nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs. We’re expanding our reach, forging new partnerships, and creating more opportunities for young innovators. We’re eager to strengthen our bonds with more sponsors, educational institutions, and industry leaders. Together, we’ll provide our Es with the tools, networks, and support they need to keep rocking the world of entrepreneurship, entirely free of charge. Your support and involvement are the bedrock of our success. Together, we will continue to inspire and empower young entrepreneurs to chase their dreams.

Thank you for believing in the power of entrepreneurship and for supporting our young innovators. We look forward to many more years of creativity, growth, and success.

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