Fall 2024 Webinar Series Featuring Bootcamp Accelerator Grads!

Fall 2024 Webinar Series featuring “Bootcamp Accelerator Startups: Where Are They Now” - This fall semester, The Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship in the Gatton College of Business and Economics, is hosting four webinars featuring startups that completed the Entrepreneurs Bootcamp online business accelerator. The series will highlight each founder’s journey, how they overcame various challenges, the realities of raising capital, and where they are now.  RSVP to save your spot and join us during your lunch break! 

September Webinar
Date: September 17 (Tues)
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Speaker: Brittany Harris, Chief Marketing Officer of RaveOn Sports
Brittany Harris serves as the Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of RaveOn Sports. She leads marketing programs, fosters brand excellence, business development, and nurtures sports influencer relationships alongside securing valuable sales sponsorships.
RaveOn Sports is not just another sports app; they are the catalyst for a new era of fan engagement. The platform is a dynamic fusion of technology and passion, designed to bridge the gap between athletes, teams, leagues, and their devoted fans. With a focus on creating meaningful connections, RaveOn offers an array of interactive features that redefine how fans experience sports. From live game chats that let you converse directly with your sports heroes, to exclusive events that bring the game to life both online and in person, RaveOn is the ultimate sports companion. RSVP for this webinar and learn where RaveOn Sports is now since graduating from the Entrepreneurs Bootcamp Online Accelerator!
October Webinars
Date: October 8 (Tues)
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Speaker: Dr. Tyler Barzee, Founder of Bourbon Shrooms
Dr. Tyler Barzee is the Founder of Bourbon Shrooms, and also serves as an Assistant Professor and leader of the Barzee Bioprocess Engineering and Fermentation Lab at the University of Kentucky. His research lab focuses on the applications of microbiology and engineering to produce sustainable fuels, food ingredients, fertilizers, and other bioproducts. Current research projects focus on fungal-assisted harvesting of microalgae, anaerobic digestion and upgrading of Bourbon Distillers Spent Grains, and production of alternative protein and other food products from filamentous fungi.
Bourbon Shrooms seeks to transform stillage into gourmet edible mushrooms. The initial target market is projected to include the direct sale of fresh "Bourbon Shroom" mushrooms to restaurants, farmers markets, coops and grocery stores, distillery gift shops, etc. Bluegrass chefs may also find interest in Bourbon Shrooms to celebrate Kentucky culture and pair with bourbon themes common in Kentucky restaurants and bars. RSVP for this webinar and learn where Bourbon Shrooms is now since graduating from the Entrepreneurs Bootcamp Online Accelerator!
Date: October 15 (Tues)
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Speaker: April Spellman, Chief Design Officer of Complet3D
April Spellman serves as the Chief Design Officer at Complet3D.
Newly located inside The Cornerstone Building, Complet3D is committed to breaking down the obstacles that can hinder the integration of 3D printing into your business. With customized training and maintenance solutions, Complet3D ensures that your 3D printers operate seamlessly, allowing you to print smarter and save money. Their expertise makes 3D printing a successful and efficient part of your business. Complet3D helps navigate the intricacies of 3D printing technology, ensuring the skills necessary to troubleshoot and optimize printer performance. Enhance your expertise and keep your 3D printers running smoothly with our top-notch training. RSVP for this webinar and learn where Complet3D is now since graduating from the Entrepreneurs Bootcamp Online Accelerator!
November Webinar
Date: November 5 (Tues)
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Speakers: Maame A. Afrifa and Madison Bates, PhD Candidates in The College of Engineering
Maame Abena O. Afrifa is the Founder of NanoMed Adaptive Technologies. She is a University of Kentucky PhD Candidate in the Biomedical Engineering Department. NanoMed Adaptive Technologies is developing a skin patch that will deliver drugs in a more efficient way using a novel design that will assist patients suffering with inflammation. This tunable system would have the potential of delivering FDA approved drugs to the compromised sites topically and transdermally.
Madison Bates is the Founder of R.A.M Medical Device Co. She is a University of Kentucky PhD Candidate in the Biomedical Engineering Department. R.A.M. seeks to become a medical device manufacturing company, with their first product being a sensor glove to track hand movement for functional assessment in stroke patients. Currently, two prototypes have been produced and a third version of the glove is in development. Further validation studies with neuro-typical human participants are underway.
RSVP for this webinar and learn how both founders have progressed since graduating from the Entrepreneurs Bootcamp Online Accelerator!