(Nashville, TN) - The 2025 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is the premier global competition for students who own and operate a business while attending college or university. Nominees compete against their peers from around the world in a series of local and national competitions in the hope of qualifying for the Global Finals.
This year’s competition is being held in Nashville, Tennessee at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center. The University of Kentucky was represented by three student teams that have been led and coached by The Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship (VACE) in the Gatton College of Business & Economics. Sarisha Lohano won 3rd place and $500 for her company, DocAI.
Sarisha Lohano is a University of Kentucky Undergraduate student pursuing a career in the medical field, representing the Lewis Honors College, College of Medicine, and the College of Arts & Sciences. She is working on this startup with her brother and Co-Founder, Dushant Lohano, who is currently attending Phillips Exeter Academy High School.
"I am so grateful for this experience and am excited about the future of our company, DocAI. I want to thank all the incredible people, mentors, and judges that have helped me along the way. A special thanks to The Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship for their coaching and allowing me to explore the potential of DocAI through the Bootcamp online Accelerator. We are thrilled to be in Bootcamp 2.0 and looking forward shaping a new era of healthcare by building AI innovations." - Sarisha Lohano
DocAI is a unique platform where patients can receive AI-generated videos based on input from their doctor’s notes. The goal is to utilize AI text-to-video that generates personalized animated videos summarizing diagnoses, treatments, and post-appointment instructions. These videos will be sent to patients and families, ensuring clear understanding, promoting adherence, and enhancing overall healthcare engagement and satisfaction after discharge.
Connect: sarisha.lohano@uky.edu