Spring 2024 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - Kobes Kloset

Kobes Kloset is all about buying, selling, and trading sneakers and streetwear that are popular. There are multiple ways to get the shoes, one is by buying used shoes that other people are willing to sell. Another is going to sneaker conventions that are specifically for shoe resellers. Shoe resellers around the area of the sneaker convention go to sell their shoes and make connections with other resellers that are also there. The whole goal of being a reseller is to buy a shoe and sell it for more money so that you can make it a living. Some people make a lot of money doing this if they can buy the right shoes for the right price. Many resellers move their way up to getting their own shoe stores after doing it out of their house for so long.

Email: jakobe.posey@lindsey.edu

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Spring 2024 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - Kobes Kloset

Project Owner

JaKobe Posey