Spring 2024 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - InnoKit

According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 172.7 million adults in the USA aged 18 and older, which account for 67.4% in this age group, reported that they drank alcohol in the past year. Excessive drinking significantly affects individual health, and it is also costly for families, communities, and the health care system. While alcohol consumption interferes with the body's homeostasis and enhances the risk of more than 200 diseases, some of its health consequences can vary between individuals. The varying responses to a night of drinking -some feeling good the next day, while others do not- are, at least in part, attributed to individual genetic differences. People with a family history of alcohol dependence have a fourfold increased likelihood of developing a dependency themselves. It is believed that differences in molecular mechanisms involved in alcohol metabolism can lead to differences in the tolerance of people to ethanol. Someone with higher tolerance needs a higher Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) than someone with less tolerance to feel similar effects. Importantly, developing alcohol tolerance over time may lead to alcohol dependence and chronic alcohol consumption. In general, the genetic composition, besides other neuronal and bacterial factors, determines both tolerance and dependence on alcohol.

We aim to develop an at-home alcohol tolerance measurement kit to predict individuals' tolerance to alcohol. Our kit addresses a critical gap in the existing market by offering a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to understand their alcohol tolerance. While available kits fail to detect the full spectrum of genes and proteins associated with alcohol metabolism and tolerance, our innovative approach not only covers the genetic aspects but also assesses the role of neuroadaptation and bacteria and provides a complete understanding of an individual's alcohol tolerance. Unlike current options that require sending samples to laboratories, our user-friendly kit empowers individuals to gain insights into their alcohol tolerance within the comfort of their homes. By detecting a set of markers, our kit goes beyond just assessment and proactively predicts an individual's tolerance to alcohol consumption. This foresight is a powerful tool for developing awareness about the potential consequences of excessive drinking. Our mission is to help individuals manage their drinking habits within safer limits, recognizing that the safest option for everyone is not drinking. Therefore, our kits, by providing users with personalized information about their alcohol tolerance, promote responsible drinking. By doing so, we aim to mitigate the health impacts associated with excessive and chronic alcohol consumption, contributing to a significant reduction in its economic burden on healthcare systems and society as a whole. Together, our at-home alcohol tolerance kit is not just a product; it's a proactive step towards a healthier and more informed society.

Email: hamed.hemati@uky.edu

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Spring 2024 Monday Bootcamp 1.0 - InnoKit

Project Owner

Hami Hemati